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Kool and the Gang

Kool and the Gang
I am a wife and mother of two. I am a hairstylist and own a studio salon. I love hair, beauty, fashion, and photography! A few other things I love: Baskin Robbins, flan, anything with cream cheese, being outdoors, children and babies, fat baby feet, puppy breath, bright colors, fake eyelashes, Sarcasm, backpack purses, any dance show, anything that is practical yet with a punch!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

McB Family: {arizona family photographer}

I love photographing my clients. And I LOVE photographing my friends even more! This next family is the most honest, genuine, humble, AMAZING family ever. They are just good, good peeps who I just admire! And we are so lucky to have them as friends. And I am not giving lip service. I have been told I don't give enough compliments, however when I do, I mean it from the bottom of my heart and I would gladly give my heart to this family. My husband and I went to high school with Dad and we were honored to have him stand up with my husband as they locked on the ball and chain. He comes up as Beef, in my husband's cell phone, and you will know why once you see his huge arms. I always would joke with him and ask him if he has calf implants :). I think he looks like Tom Cruise on steroids! He literally, and I mean literally would give you the shirt off his back, and then probably carry you on his back if you needed him too. He is that giving, with no expectations. Anytime my husband needs help with a project, he is our go to guy. Lucky J :). But he is always there for him, no gripes or questions asked. Once my husband called me and said "yeah J is coming over to help me with the backyard and get rid of those dead trees." I came home to my husband happily pushing a electric mower with one finger around the yard, and J sweating bullets digging out a dead tree! And J said it was his ax or shovel and wanted to do it. So giving. And once he randomly stopped by our house to pick up a ladder. I asked my husband what he was doing and he was in my neighborhood helping a recent widower (that he didn't even know, just heard her story) take down Christmas lights that he and his brother put up for her kids so they could have lights. I don't know if he knows, but he inspires me just with his actions. And it only makes sense that he is a firefighter, helping people and saving kittens and children daily!

Mom is equally amazing. So kind, friendly, and upbeat! So funny and fun, but so caring and supportive. She is an awesome massage therapist. She is tiny and I always thought, how can she give massages?? Let me tell you she is FABULOUS! Seriously, need to relax and get a great massage?? Call her. It must be all her muscles in her arms. And she doesn't even look like she had a baby 9 weeks ago. Between her and her husband, rock body central! We have been on many Rocky Point vacations together and they are our sushi double date couple. They have always treated my children as one of their own and I am so happy for them to become parents.

Baby A is so very lucky. She was an angel from heaven. She came 2 days after his father passed away from cancer. He too was an amazing man, as a teacher and sports coach. Things happen for a reason everyday in every situation. Things that we may never understand. We just have to open our eyes to them and see them for the amazing gifts and messages they really are. I only wish the best for this wonderful family....... May this little baby Angel fill your life with happiness when times can be sad, and another Angel watch over you from above and just smile........ Love you guys.

Click Here for their slideshow

These next two are my faves............

J was so convinced he was having a boy and when he found it was going to be a girl, I could tell he was nervous. But look at him now, such a natural. She will definately have him wrapped around her finger in no time with those baby blues.......and see his arms, BEEF.

This picture has a little story with it. Dad is a clean freak like my husband. Actually more so than my husband. I actually used to tell my husband to start a housecleaning business. Don't tell me as a woman you wouldn't hire him and my husband to CLEAN your house?!?! Right? Seriously, am I on to something? Two good looking guys who can clean! Cha-ching! Anyway, Dad was all worried because baby was naked on their white down comforter tootin' up a storm! I just kept giggling. He may be smiling in this pic but he was pissed because Baby was pissing on him!! Ha! Look at Baby's face, feeling so good to relieve that lil' bladder! Look at Mom laughing! HeeHee!

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