So I go on the first audition and slate my name and deliver the line. Not bad. Now the casting director says, "okay do it again but more flirty". Easy enough. I did it again, feeling good about it, and I leave. So I get a call a few days later and they want to see me again for a callback. So I am thinking, just do what you did the first time and you will be fine Tina. Now callbacks involve way more people than the initial audtion. I walk into the room with the casting director, an assistant casting person, the director of the movie, his assistant, along with some random people and a video camera. I have anxiety sometimes so this just really sucks!! So I slate again, deliver the line. Now the director looks at me and says "Do you want to be in this movie?". Um, well yeah? "Can you do it with an asian accent?" ...............Huh? Are you for real? I was born in Alabama! I don't know how to do this! So I tried to chanel my inner mother. My sisters make fun of me because they say I talk to my mom with an accent thinking it will help my mom understand me better. But all I could hear and chanel was her yelling at me and what she would say, in Vietnamese. I could probably say "clean your room" or something. However they wanted me to flirt with a guy on an airplane! Needless to say I botched that audition. I just couldn't do it. I have no idea what I said or how I said it. I think it was more of a nasally English accent or something. Ugggh, I cringe just thinking about it! So embarassing! I just wanted to crawl under a rock, just bang my head on the wall, or let out a big Homer Simpson "d'oh".
It reminds me of how I felt the first time I did a family shoot with a family I didn't know. I remember saying "okay you guys ready? Say cheeeeeeese!" ........Really Tina?....... People pay you for this? ......Why don't you just say Macaroni while you're at it? .......Sigh. Sometimes I feel like this.........
I'm laughing really hard right now. I want to hear your Asian accent next time I see you. Hey, it was worth a try!
The thing is I can talk with an accent! Just not on command! Sooooo embarasssing! Would have loved to be the fly on the wall when I left. They probably had a hayday replaying the take on the camera!
I've heard you imitate your mom many a time and I think that you do a good accent! You're funny! xoxo -moi
I think you might have an accent there Sarah! "many a time?" :)
Great story Tina! I'm still giggling!
Hi dear, I remember the time you told Larry (very indignantly) that you were from Alabama, when he asked where you were from. Paul and I still tell that story. Sorry that you were embarrased. I'm sure you were better than you think.
OH YAH- I gotta hear that Asian/Alabama accent... :-)
Oh my gosh- that is so funny...
Catching up on your blog... You are too funny! It was really nice to meet you at the PUG meeting :)
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