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Kool and the Gang

Kool and the Gang
I am a wife and mother of two. I am a hairstylist and own a studio salon. I love hair, beauty, fashion, and photography! A few other things I love: Baskin Robbins, flan, anything with cream cheese, being outdoors, children and babies, fat baby feet, puppy breath, bright colors, fake eyelashes, Sarcasm, backpack purses, any dance show, anything that is practical yet with a punch!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Friedman Family

I was so happy when one of my friends asked me to take her family photos this year. I have known her for over 10 years. We met back in the day when we worked together at a breakfast restaurant. She is a former Cardinal cheerleader and is now helping women lose weight with her highly energized outdoor bootcamps called Bootcamp Babes! We have remained friends over the years. I was lucky to see her every 4 weeks when she would come in to get her hair done even though she moved far. But now she is moved closer! I would try to encourage 6 weeks to keep the integrity of her hair, but my girl likes to be blonde! We actually chopped her hair off 3 days before this shoot. Personally I think she rocks this cut. I love it on her! Her little man is the sweetest thing ever and talks in third person. So stinkin' cute! It made me want my little man to talk and say funny things. Here he is looking suave.........

See? Love the hair, huh!

CLICK HERE for their slideshow!

1 comment:

Sarah's Fab Day said...

I love Andrea's hair and your good ole' TC reference. :)