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Kool and the Gang

Kool and the Gang
I am a wife and mother of two. I am a hairstylist and own a studio salon. I love hair, beauty, fashion, and photography! A few other things I love: Baskin Robbins, flan, anything with cream cheese, being outdoors, children and babies, fat baby feet, puppy breath, bright colors, fake eyelashes, Sarcasm, backpack purses, any dance show, anything that is practical yet with a punch!


Monday, March 16, 2009

How can something so wrong be so GOOD?!?!

This is my husband..........And No I am not talking about him.......... And Yes, I know, I married a New Kid on the Block.

We went to the Chandler Ostrich Festival for the first time on Saturday and he had to try this.............

This my friends is a fried TWINKIE! And was it so delish! My husband will seriously eat anything and made me have a bite. But this is so wrong. Twinkies have a shelf life of like 100 years and then to go and throw them in a deep fryer?!?! I need to go to church............


Sarah's Fab Day said...

Ok, you know I'm a sucker for any kind of fair food. Fry bread, funnel cakes, kettle corn, etc. I totally would have tried one of those twinkies. I'd be gross with you.

Luvs2dance said...

I must know by now - anything deep fried is wonderful - you'll have to try to the deep fried oreos next time - those are to die for!!!

As for the New Kid reference - I never saw it until that picture...

Oh, Oh, Oh-oh, the right stuff!!!!

Yes I am doing the dance movements to go along!!! :)