Most of you may have already heard about this amazing little girl and her family. Her story has been circulating the web for a few weeks now. This little girl was diagnosed recently with a large brain tumor, she is only 5 years old. My daughter's age. I could only imagine. Her father is a pastor at our church. We started attending last year and absolutely love it there. Church is all still very new to me. Then I am able to witness things like this and the love and compassion people have is truly inspiring, uplifting, and really amazing. There has been an outpouring of support, prayer, and donation for this family in need. One of my best friends with a large blog audience is going to be auctioning custom party items this week on her blog and all proceeds will go to this family in the form of gift cards to grocery stores and restaurants since the family has been at the hospital 24/7 for weeks now. So go. Go bid! I will be auctioning a family session as well on her blog this week too. It is the least I can do. I am so blessed to be able to use my skills to help. I am very lucky. So if you or someone you know has been contemplating a portrait session, what a better time. You will bid for the session. The auction will last a few days and the highest bidder will receive the session. All proceeds will then be used to purchase gift cards for the McRae family. I will keep you posted when the auction will be.
You can visit Kate's site for more information and updates on her progress. If you are unable to bid, as it is such a tough economic time right now, please just pray for this little girl and her family and give your family extra hugs and kisses.
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